Terms & Conditions

General Terms of Service

These Terms & Conditions apply to all purchases made by you on yourwebsite.com.au. By using this site you accept and agree to be legally bound by our terms and conditions. We may change the terms and condition at any time without notice. Please review these terms & conditions on a regular basis so you are aware of such changes.

This website is operated by and behalf of

Gold Coast Business Websites
Trading as Paul Luxford

ABN 95 959 273 818

Pacific Pines 4211 QLD.
+61405 614 155


All prices are displayed in AUD and include GST. Prices may be subject to change without notice. All prices are correct at time of purchase and are confirmed with an order confirmation email.

Conditions of Sale

All orders must be paid for before they are provided, unless alternatives for payments are made.

Cancellation Policy

If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase it can be cancelled for a refund within 30 days, no questions asked.


Gold Coast Business Websites welcomes payment by credit card, including VISA, Mastercard and American Express . Payment must be made at time of purchase.

Acceptance of Order

Gold Coast Business Websites will send email confirmations of your order once placed on our website.


Gold Coast Business Websites reserves the right to refuse to supply to any individual or company.


Gold Coast Business Websites uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to ensure that your details are encrypted and securely communicated to us, safe from prying eyes or malicious threats. Learn more about how we keep your shopping experience Safe and Secure.


Information collected by Gold Coast Business Websites from their customers is kept strictly confidential. Any information passed on to third parties such as Strip or Paypal, is solely for the completion of your order.Gold Coast Business Websites will not sell any collected personal information.

All the information contained on this web site, including the site design, graphics has been copyrighted. All rights reserved. Any other trademarks, company names, product names and/or logos set forth in this web site are the property of their respective owners. Trade marks, brand names, product names and company names of or related to the products appearing on this web site are the property of their respective owners. Business Name does not claim to own any of these trade marks nor claim that Business Name is related to, endorsed by, or in any other way connected or associated with these companies.

Hosting Terms & Conditions

We, Gold Coast Business Websites, provide managed hosting services in partnership with the following hosting service providers:


Each of our partners are the official custodians of your website and you are also bound by their terms and condiitions.

Below are our terms and conditions for utilising our managed website hosting services.

Managed Website Hosting

This simply means that you purchase your website hosting service through us, instead of going directly to a hosting provider. With purchasing hosting through us, you have access to our support and therefore contact us when there are any issues and then we handle those requests with our relevant hosting partner.


You can view our current pricing for hosting services here .

We reserve the right to change pricing as when needed to meet market rates and the fees we incur from our partners.


All payments for our hosting accounts are due before on or before the day of renewal, as indicated on your invoice. If payment is not received within 7 days after the due date, then we will suspend your hosting account until the account has been paid in full. Account suspension will take your website offline.


We do not provide refunds for our hosting services, unless there are special circumstances.

Hosting Account Suspension

Hosting suspension means that we place your account into a mode that your website is unable to be viewed by you or the public. Your website will display a landing page, saying that the hosting account has been suspended. Your website files, databases and email addresses are still there, but unaccessible until the account has been unsuspended by our team.

Your hosting account is at risk of suspension if the following happens:

  • If you fail to pay your hosting renewal within 7 days of date of renewal.
  • Your website is in breach of copyright infringement.

If payments are received past the renewal due date and your account is in suspension, there is no change to the renewal date; as we are continuing to store your website / email files

Hosting Account Termination

Hosting termination means that we will completely remove the hosting account, which will result in the loss of your website, all its files and databases and any email accounts associated with the account. This is final and cannot be undone.

Your hosting account is at risk of termination if the following happens:

  • If payment has not been received after 30 days from date of renewal and have not received any replies to our renewal reminders about your account.
  • Your website is in breach of copyright infringement and you do not comply within 7 days of receiving the complaint.
    • You will have a total of 14 days for the following actions prior to your account termination:
      • If you fail to comply and communicate your intention of compliance or do not make the necessary changes, you will have another 7 days to source a new hosting provider

If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, please email paul@goldcoastbusinesswebsites.

Website Care Terms & Conditions


You are engaging Gold Coast Business Websites, as an independent contractor to perform work as described in the package(s) or service(s) you have purchased. In the event access to your website is necessary, you hereby authorise Gold Coast Business Websites access and “write permissions” to all directories and files of your account with any other third party hosting provider, as well as permission to install any necessary WordPress plugins for maintenance and security.

Website Care Service Plan Inclusions

Gold Coast Business Websites becomes the care taker of your website. 

We ensure that the website is maintained regularly and functioning effectively.

Your website is a complex machine of integrated software which requires regular updates to ensure that it works and functions at all times.

The following is a detailed list of what we do to maintain your website:

  • Weekly software updates.
  • Weekly website backups.
  • Daily Database backups.
  • Monthly reporting.
  • 24/7 uptime monitoring.
  • 24/7 security monitoring.
  • Database optimisations (when needed).
  • 24/7 priority email support.
  • Fix technical issues (within the scope of our capabilities – see section below for third party or client modication)
  • Load speed optimisations (when necessary).
  • Server side management (install latest server software – when necessary).

Support requests and reasonable use

Support must be requested through the proper channels to be received and responded to in a reasonable amount of time. To request support please email paul@goldcoastbusinesswebsites.com.au

Each request is subject to a maximum of 30 minutes of development. The effort required for development is exclusively determined by the Gold Coast Business Websites. For work outside of the scope of the service agreement, Gold Coast Business Websites may provide alternative solutions to the client including quoting for the service or providing advice about a third party service.

Gold Coast Business Websites provides 24/7 support, but provides no guarantee either express or implied on the timeframe of when a support request can or will be resolved.

Your requests are subject to approval by Gold Coast Business Websites or its assigned agent.


Gold Coast Business Websites does not assume any responsibility or liability for the content of the websites it manages, maintains and/or hosts.

Pricing & Payments

All prices appearing on this site or quoted are subject to change without notice. Once a client of Gold Coast Business Websites, you authorise Gold Coast Business Websites to charge the payment method you submitted for all the invoices generated for the services rendered by Gold Coast Business Websites. In order to cancel your recurring  payment or change payment method, simply contact paul@goldcoastbusinesswebsites.com.au prior to your payment due date, or you can cancel directly via your My Account page.

Cancellation & Refunds

Cancellation of any monthly recurring service can occur at any time after your first 1 month (30 days) of service.
 No Refunds are available after your purchased package or service has been started unless otherwise specified in any authorised correspondence by Gold Coast Business Websites.

Refusal of Service

Gold Coast Business Websites reserves the right to refuse service to any individual, website, or blogs that contain offensive, obscene, hateful, malicious content or any other reason.

Third Party or Client Modifications

With a WordPress based website, the client will independently edit or update his or her web pages after completion of the site (if built by Gold Coast Business Websites), unless otherwise agreed upon in this agreement by the client and Gold Coast Business Websites.

If anyone other than Gold Coast Business Websites, or its subcontractors, attempts to update the website and damages the design or impairs the ability for the web pages to display or function properly, time to repair the web pages will be assessed at an hourly rate of AUD$120+GST. Any available block purchased time can also be used.

Work to repair the website from the client and third-party modifications is outside of the scope of the monthly website care. There is a one-hour minimum.

Limitation of Liability; Disclaimer of Warranties

Although there are limitations to the guarantees we can provide, your satisfaction is very important to us. Please read and understand our limits of liability before ordering services.

We will do our utmost to ensure your website performance and security is optimal, but we did not build the WordPress software, the plugins used on the website, nor the hosting platform it runs on. Gold Coast Business Websites, therefore, does not guarantee, represent, or warrant that the functions contained in your web pages or website will be uninterrupted, or error-free.

You expressly agree that your use of, or inability to use, the functions contained within your web pages or the website is at your sole risk. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the web pages and website is with the client.

To the extent not prohibited by law, in no event will Gold Coast Business Websites be liable to the client or any third party for any damages, including, but not limited to, any lost profits, lost savings, loss of data, business interruption, or incidental, consequential or special damages arising out of the operation of or inability to operate your web pages or website, however caused, even if Gold Coast Business Websites has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Gold Coast Business Websites does not represent, guarantee or warrant that the functions contained in your web pages or website will be free from loss, corruption, attack, viruses, interference, hacking, or other security intrusions, and Gold Coast Business Websites disclaims any liability relating thereto.


Please note that by submitting your payment, you are agreeing to all of our terms of service as they are written here. Gold Coast Business Websites reserves the right to change or update these terms at any time without prior notice. The user of this site agrees to the terms of this agreement on behalf of his or her organization or business. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties. Any changes or modifications thereto must be in writing and signed by both parties.

Please contact us with any questions regarding the Gold Coast Business Websites terms of service by email paul@goldcoastbusinesswebsites.com.au.

Domains Terms & Conditions


We resell domain names for Dreamscape Networks. You are also bound by their terms and conditions.

We provide a self service domain management platform at domains.goldcoastbusinesswebsites.com.au

What support do we provide?

Here is a list of support we provide:

  • Help to reset account passwords
  • Answer questions about the domain name portal (if you are having issues accessing your account)
  • Check domain name registration process.

We do not take responsibility for any domain names that are lost to third party owners, if you have failed to renew a domain name in the given timeframe.

What is your responsibility?

It is your sole responsibility to manage your own domain names under your own account within our platform.

When domain names are due for renewal, it is your responsibility to continue to renew them at the specified date listed on your domain name information.

Account Management

You can access your domain platform by logging in at: domains.goldcoastbusinesswebsites.com.au

You are able to access all domain name information, you can renew, register, transfer in and out domains and modify domain name information. You can also update the DNS and other settings.

You can cancel your account at any time, but you will need to ensure your domain names are not longer registered or you have transferred them to another domain host.


Our domain platform provides you the ability to pay for and renew domain names with either Paypal or Credit Card.


From time to time, you will receive automated emails from the domain platform. The emails include:

  • Domain name renewal notifications, including domains that are coming up for renewal and domains that have been renewed successfully.
  • Account information updates, such as asking for correct contact information.

If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, please email paul@goldcoastbusinesswebsites.




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