Why We Use WordPress!

Lets face it people, WordPress is cool!

What do we mean by “Cool”. Well simply put, it is the best content management system on the planet.

We do not say this lightly. We have used other CMS’s and they just don’t stack up to being user friendly, light weight and just so darn great!

A brief history…

WordPress was originally a platform designed for blogging. It’s uses where for the hobby bound genius quietly tucked safely away within the creases of their own specialties. You can and still do read about what is the perfect tomato or cross stitch and how to make money from doing it or my babies new pyjamas. WordPress.com hosts these types of blogs and more.

There are two websites for WordPress, the one just mentioned which is setup a free account on the .wordpress.com host and then there is main headquarters for the CMS, WordPress.org.

Within the main WordPress.org website, you will find the core files download right smack on the front page and its free, yep free – Awesome!.

Exploring further you will find the Themes repository with (at this time of writing) 1,602 themes.

Venture forward even more into the Plugin arena and you will find roughly around 21,348 plugins to play around with. Plugins are one of the conditions of why we use WordPress. Plugins are simply extra code that is installed to work with the core files of WordPress and thus more functionality can be accomplished. So, if for example you wanted to integrate a live chat option on your website you would find one in the plugin repository.

If you think of something that you would like your WordPress website to do, type into Google: (subject) WordPress plugin eg. Events Calendar WordPress plugin.

The Reasons Why We Use WordPress

  • Easy to use
  • Search Engine Friendly
  • Scalable – No limits to how big your can grow your website
  • Excellent Support – When we need help, there is always an answer on WordPress.org
  • Clean and simple
  • Broad Use – you can use it for a classifieds, shopping cart, membership websites and many more.
  • Alot of Plugins to add functionality
  • Alot of already created, premium themes.
  • Speed of development – we can build a website within a day to several days.
  • There are probably more for emotional reasons than aesthetic use.

That’s just some of the reasons why we use WordPress for our website development.

If you use WordPress why do you use it and what benefits have you received from doing so?

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